Indicator: Ratio between green urban areas inside the core city and the FUA

Type: Project Other Data - July 3, 2019, 12:34 p.m.

The ratio between the share of GUA inside the core city and the share of GUA inside the FUAs (see indicators on the share of green and blue urban areas for core cities and FUAs) is calculated to enable the analysis of the importance of the urban hinterland for providing green spaces. A value of 1.0 would mean that both core city and FUA have the same share of GUA, values below 1.0 indicate a dominance of the peri-urban, values above 1.0 mean that there are more green spaces in the core city than the peri-urban space. The dataset is based on the Copernicus Urban Atlas which is a very high resolution land use/land cover classification of hundreds of cities in the EU. The Urban Atlas maps the FUAs of almost 700 cities or city agglomerations across Europe. The core city is, for the most part, a subset of the FUA in which it is located.
