Indicator: Share of green urban areas (for core city, FUAs and FUAs without core city)

Type: Project Other Data - July 3, 2019, 12:34 p.m.

This dataset provides information on urban green infrastructure approximated by the share of green (and blue) urban areas inside cities (core city), Functional Urban Areas (FUAs) and FUAs without the core city area (representing the peri-urban space alone). The dataset is based on the Copernicus Urban Atlas which is a very high resolution land use/land cover classification of hundreds of cities in the EU. The Urban Atlas maps the FUAs of almost 700 cities or city agglomerations across Europe. The core city is, for the most part, a subset of the FUA in which it is located. To reflect the green (and blue) urban areas, all Urban Atlas classes that represent green and blue urban areas are aggregated into one class “green urban areas (GUA)” and their proportion in relation to the total area of the reference units calculated.
