Indicator: Municipal typology based on Potential Urban Strategic Horizons (PUSH) in 2018

Type: Project Other Data - June 17, 2019, 2:08 p.m.

This element provides a typology of municipalities (LAU - census unit 2011). Each municipality is classified according to its inclusion in one or several PUSH areas (Potential Urban Strategic Horizon). A PUSH is defined as a 45 minute accessibility zone of a Morphological Urban Area (MUA). The typology focuses on PUSH whose Functional Urban Area (FUA) have more than 50'000 inh.
The typology is provided in a GeoPackage that contains all census units (2011).
URB_TYPO is the typology:
TYPO 1: Municipalities within 45 minutes of a MUA whose FUA has more than 750'000 inh.
TYPO 2: Municipalities within 45 minutes of a MUA whose FUA has more than 100'000 inh.
TYPO 3: Municipalities within 45 minutes of a MUA whose FUA has more than 50'000 inh.
Municipalities are assigned to a category by decreasing population of the FUA. E.g. if a municipality is located less than 45 minutes from a MUA whose FUA is larger than 750'000 inh and less than 45 minutes from two MUAs whose FUA are larger than 100'000 inh., it is classified as TYPO 1.
All other fields relate to the "Census 2011 nomenclature" and are described in the data provided by the ESPON GEOSPECS project (see ESPON Database/GEOSPECS).
This typology is displayed in the fiche on "accessibility" produced by the ESPON BRIDGES study and listed as Map 2-1.
