Indicator: Projected change in sea level rise

Type: Project Other Data - July 8, 2019, 8:12 a.m.

The projected change in relative sea level in 2018-2100 compared to 1986-2005 for the medium-low emission scenario RCP 4.5 is projecting a worrisome picture of the sea-level rise. All European Seas, with the exception of the Baltic Sea are in this scenario experiencing a change in relative sea-level of +505 mm. Overall the change in relative sea-level is a little bit less close to the shorelines with projections for about +300 - +400 mm. The Icelandic coast, parts of the Scottish coast and the Norwegian coast experience in this projection a lesser sea level rise. The northern parts of the Baltic sea are in this scenario the only area which as a negative change in relative sea level, with negative values down to minus 472 mm. Even in the medium-low emission scenario it becomes clear that coastal areas will need to be prepared for measures to deal with sea level rises.

Source European Environment Agency (EEA), 2017
