Indicator: Renewable and fossil energy production in non-inter-connected Greek islands (2017)

Type: Project Other Data - July 8, 2019, 8:14 a.m.

A substantial number of Greek islands in the Aegean Sea are not connected to the mainland electric grid. These islands must therefore rely on their own capacities for the production of electricity. This is particularly critical during the summer season as the presence of tourists heavily weigh in on the total demand for electricity. The long-term reliability of these autonomous electric systems is reached through a production that is mostly based on non-renewable thermal production using various types of fuels (petroleum, coal, waste).

This data includes four indicators:
Total renewable energy production in non-inter-connected islands in year 2017
Total fossil energy production in non-inter-connected islands in year 2017
Share of wind energy production in non-inter-connected islands in year 2017
Share of solar energy production in non-inter-connected islands in year 2017
