Indicator: Housing indicators / agglomeration - Palma (ES)

Type: Project Other Data - July 19, 2022, 9:46 a.m.

This .xls file includes all the harmonised indicators created within the ESPON Big Data for Territorial Analysis and Housing Project for the Palma de Mallorca case-study.

In term of data collection, the aim of the project was to create harmonised indicators for 10 case-studies on housing issues:
- Paris
- Avignon
- Warsaw
- Lodz
- Krakow
- Madrid
- Barcelona
- Palma de Mallorca
- Geneva transnational area and Annecy;

Several data sources have been used in that order :
- Institutional - conventional data : income at LAU2 level (not harmonised) and national level (EU-SILC survey)
- Intitutional - non conventional data : housing prices and characteristics for real-estate transactions and property rental (when available)
- Non conventional data : Advertized prices for properties and property rentals, coming from harversted data. For some core-cities, it includes also Airbnb offers.
Data have been aggregated at LAU2 (version 2011) and 1km grid level (GEOSTAT 2011) for each of the case-studies.

Around 60 indicators have been produced by case-studies based on this core information.
All the indicators are available at LAU2 level. Some of them at grid level (depending of data availability).
Moreover, the data itself includes some missing values. It corresponds generally to peripheral territorial units, low populated with no housing transaction or offer observed.

For more information on the conceptual and methodological framework used in this project, please have a look to the technical guidance document and the wellbeing report
available in the ESPON Webpage of the project:
