Indicator: Case 3 - Mobile Positioning Data for an Estonian Everyday Mobility Database

Type: Project Other Data - Dec. 12, 2019, 9:28 a.m.

Objective was to develop methodology and create the dataset for everyday mobility database which contains the OD-matrices of regular home - work movements between territorial communities on monthly level (Jan 2016 – Mar 2018).
Data used to create OD-matrices is based on mobile positioning. Mobile positioning data contains locations of call activities (Call Detail Records (CDR)) in network cells (location, time and random unique user ID). The mobile positioning data has high accuracy in time and space, the data allows to detect short-term differences (monthly) and seasonal fluctuations. Dataset include regular movements between the place of residence and the workplace.
The main limitation of Call Detail Record (CDR) data is access to data, because mobile network operators are hesitant to provide their data and relatively long value chain of implementing mobile positioning data, which requires expertise from several research fields.
