Indicator: [FORECAST] Population and GDP prediction in the BSR

Type: Project Other Data - April 14, 2020, 7:28 p.m.

[FORECAST] Population (2011=100):Population projection for the Baltic Sea Region for the year 2030 (Baseline Scenario). Regional population in 2030 is expressed as percentage of the regional population in 2011. Regional population in 2050 is expressed as percentage of the regional population in 2030.
[FORECAST] Population projections in the BSR by age groups (5-14 and 60+): Projections of the SASI Model of populaiton by selected age groups for BT2050 Baseline Scenario. Indicator expresses share of age group in percent
[FORECAST] GDP per capita prediction in the BSR:GDP/capita projection for the Baltic Sea Region for the years 2030 and 2050 (Baseline Scenario)
[FORECAST] GDP change in the BSR: Projections of the SASI Model for BT2050 Baseline Scenario. Indicator expresses average annual change of GDP in percent
