Indicator: SUPER GUF analysis

Type: Project Other Data - Nov. 30, 2020, 10:55 a.m.

After indications that Corine Land Cover may misrepresent urban land changes due to, among other things, the grain size (minimal mapping unit of 25 ha for state data and 5 ha for change data), the SUPER team compared CLC data with the high-resolution urban footprint data in the Global Urban Footprint (GUF) dataset (pixel size approximately 10m). CLC and GUF data were combined, resulting in information on overlap and lack of overlap. The data was calculated into a saturation index for each NUTS3, showing the percentage of CLC urban area also covered by GUF data; and a concentration index, showing the percentage of GUF that lies within CLC urban area (and inversely, outside of CLC urban area).
