Indicator: Territorial indicators for business development assessment

Type: Project Other Data - Jan. 18, 2021, 8:19 p.m.

This element puts together 21 indicators collected in a systematic way for each region of this stakeholder analysis, at LAU level for Latgale (LV) and Utena+4 (LT) and at NUTS3 level for the Romanian CBC area with Moldova. It includes the following indicators provided in separate files:
BU1 local business units
BU2 Self-employed population in the total employed population
BU3 Firms by size categories
EC1 GDP per capita
EC2 Value added at factor cost
ED1 Educational attainment level
FD1 Foreign Direct Investment
INC1 Disposable income of households
INC2 Tax revenues
INN1 Innovative enterprises
INV1 Investment in tangible fixed assets
LM1 Unemployment rate
LM2 Employment by NACE sectors
LO1 Total land area
LO2 Population potential
LO3 Visitors (tourism)
PO1 Resident population
PO2 Population density
PO3 Urban-rural population
PO4 Dependency ratio
PO5 Net migration rate
