Indicator: Regional Portrait

Type: Project Other Data - July 2, 2021, 9:53 a.m.

The Regional Portrait dataset is composed by a total of 37 indicators of the Milano-Bologna urban region that are used to explore in detail the seven research questions presented in the Annex 1.
For each research question, first, we selected and mapped several key indicators, and then we developed synthesis maps capable to grasp the spatial dimension of the interplay between different variables.
The selection of the indicators and the construction of the maps aimed at verifying the research hypotheses is the result of 3 work phases.
The first phase consisted in the collection and integration of municipal data from different datasets and databases. The collection took place starting from the extensive list of indicators reported in the Inception Report. Other indicators resulting from more recent explorations have been added to these pre-selected indicators.
The second phase consisted in the selection of key indicators capable to respond to the research questions. The outcome of this work was shared with the project stakeholders during the Regional Portrait Workshop. The presentation to the stakeholders was followed by an internal discussion within the working group in which the key indicators most capable of producing effective and updated summary elaborations were selected.

In the third phase, the 26 selected indicators were mapped according to the ESPON standards and 11 synthesis maps were developed.

The maps are built upon the ESPON standards and report data referred to three sample of analysis:
For most of the calculations, the statistical domain includes all the municipalities of Northern Italy (Valle d'Aosta, Piedmont, Liguria, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Veneto, Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, Trentino-Alto Adige) and two regions of central Italy which are in railway continuity with the Milano-Bologna axis (Toscana and Marche).
For the other calculations, the statistical domain was limited only to the municipalities located within the Urban Region analytical frame (rectangle 300 x 100 km) or only to the municipalities of Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna with data available.
The HSR Buffers of 15 km and 30 km are sub-analytical domains specifically aimed at questioning the relationship between the phenomena observed through statistical data and the HSR line. The HSR Buffer of 30 km is always represented as a spatial-dimensional reference in all the maps which compose the Regional Portrait.
