Indicator: Counterfactual Analysis of Socioeconomic Variables

Type: Project Other Data - July 2, 2021, 9:55 a.m.

The Counterfactual Analysis of Socioeconomic Variables dataset gathers several socioeconomic variables over the period 2000-2018 and they are retrieved by multiple sources, national and supranational (Istat-MEF, Eurostat, UIBM, Italian IQI dataset, Infocamere-Movimprese). Data are collected at provincial level (NUTS 3 by the Eurostat classification). With the aim to perform counterfactual analysis, data are collected for all the Italian provinces, other than the 3 provinces of Milan, Bologna and Reggio Emilia, objects of the case study. This has allowed to create a pool of potential control units useful to create artificial synthetic scores in relation to the potential outcome (gross value added) and the covariates concerned, and to compare these with the observed outcome of the treated units. The procedure is aimed at individuating eventual causation arising upon the high-speed rail policy outset. The dataset also includes some codes and categorizations provided by Eurostat that relates to other forms of territorial boundaries (NUTS 1 and NUTS 2, i.e., macro areas and regions, both in 2006 and in 2010 classification).
