Indicator: Number of Local plans becoming effective or cancelled in Denmark, 2007-2020

Type: Project Other Data - June 15, 2021, 11:49 a.m.

Much digital plan data is of such good quality that it makes sense to use it to obtain insights into what is being planned, where, how and when. The Danish database includes local plans (DA: Lokalplan) becoming effective or cancelled. Such time-series data (or metadata referring to e.g. adoption date of a plan) would also allow to look at new planned areas separately. As example, the enclosed data set shows the number of local plans becoming effective or cancelled in Denmark since 2007.
Every year between 600 and 800 new local plans became effective. After the economic crisis in 2008, the number of plans decreased, but increased again since 2013. In 2020 we can see a drop in plans cancelled. Plans usually get cancelled when a new plan is done for the same area. We do not know the reason for this drop, but, as the number of local plans becoming effective did not change much, it could indicate that more local plans were done on ‘greenfield land’, i.e. land which was not built on before. An analysis of size and use of the new planned areas, for example, as well as looking more detailed into how plans are changed or updated could provide insights into general dynamics of planning practice.
Please refer to section 4.2 of the final report of DIGIPLAN.
