Indicator: Territorial vulnerability to natural hazards including all input indicators

Type: Project Other Data - June 28, 2021, 11:37 a.m.

The dataset shows the level of territorial vulnerability to natural hazards. The territorial vulnerability to natural hazards is the result of combining the susceptibility to natural hazards and the coping capacity to natural hazards for every territory. The indicator value is in the range from 1 to 2, being 2 the highest vulnerability and 1 the lowest. This dataset is a result of ESPON-TITAN project. The scale of the dataset is NUTS-3 and the spatial coverage includes the 27 EU countries plus Island, Norway, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and UK.
The assessment considers 25 individual indicators grouped in two categories: susceptibility and coping capacity; indicators of susceptibility increase the territorial vulnerability, while those of coping capacity decrease it. The methodology to obtain the vulnerability is based on multivariate statistical techniques, specifically Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
