Indicator: Untapped potential for economic growth in Central Europe

Type: Project Other Data - Aug. 16, 2021, 4:45 p.m.

Untapped potentials are understood as "inefficient exploitation of resources" due to administrative and legal barriers which might hamper the development of economies of scale, prevent synergies and complementarities among assets, limit accessibility to neighbouring regions' resources. The CE functional region offers high potential synergies, in terms of both economic development as well as for allowing more effective people mobility, reducing environmental hazards, and improving overall connectivity. For the potential of these synergies to be fully tapped, however, the region requires further socio-economic integration.

Untapped potentials are calculated for different regional growth assets (the list of regional growth asset was elaborated by the project team):
- Agglomeration economies
- Local labour market
- Trust among people
- Accessibility
- Manufacturing activities
- Innovation
- International partnerships
- Compact urban form
- Financial capital flows
- Market integration

When potential growth loss was not detected, a degree of growth due to integration was indicated.
