Indicator: Transport modelisation output (origin-destination matrices) on transport flows within the SURE Eurodelta area and the world

Type: Project Other Data - Dec. 14, 2021, 11:33 a.m.

Origin destination trade and passenger values between all NUTS3 regions in the SURE Eurodelta area between the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium and France and other regions/countries/continents, for six different types of transportation (Cargo: inland waterways, rail, road - Passengers: air, rail, road) and different type of goods transported (Cargo: dry bulk, liquid bulk, general cargo, containers) and different motive for travel (Passengers: business, commute, other) for the baseyear (2010), for 2030 and 2050. All values are indicated in either ton kilometers for cargo information or passenger kilometers for passenger information.

The origin destination matrix lists the kilometers traveled based on the Transtools3 European wide transport model (, that was used with no changes to the baseyear scenario the model builders developed. An aggregation was performed for the zoning outside the SURE Eurodelta region to be able to focus on the study area.
