Indicator: Covid pandemic related tweets based on twitter data ("vaccine")

Type: Project Other Data - Nov. 29, 2021, 1:53 p.m.

The indicator measures the number of geotagged tweets on types of vaccine per 10,000 inhabitants.
Data were extracted from the Standard Twitter API using an ontology to demonstrate how data from Twitter can be used to provide insights into various topics. The ontology is listed in the final report 'Territorial indicators based on big data'. The standard Twitter API allows extraction based on an ontology within the last 7 days only. The number refers to the period from August 24 to September 02, 2021. Twitter provides different options for the extraction of geolocalized tweets. For the retrieval of tweets in this case longitude and latitude coordinates and a radius have been used. Through this process, the boundaries of the selected NUTS 3 level regions are only an approximately and hence not completely separable from neighboring regions.
