Indicator: Capital FDI - Country to Country Origin and Destination matrix

Type: Project Other Data - June 9, 2022, 4:42 p.m.

Capital FDI - Country to Country Origin and Destination matrix
Results at country level (NUTS 0)
FDI country-to-country matrixes - capital_fdi_c2c.xlsx
Spatial extent: EU27 + UK + Norway, Lichtenstein, Iceland and Switzerland
Spatial scope: intra-national and international
Temporal scope: 2010 to 2018
Data features:
32 X 32 OD matrixes for each year
Variable under consideration: shareholders’ funds
Access to 2,887,867 firms - 1,319,189 (45.68%) served for the estimation of C2C flows (only active firms); share varies significantly, from 0.005% (Denmark) to 86.4% (Greece)
Clean-up: firms with gaps in the data (financial over time or spatial); shareholders’ funds with negative values
Sample narrowed to 8.5% of the initial list (Share varies significantly, from 0.005% (Denmark) to 86.4% (Greece))
Data extracted in euro prices
