Indicator: Population survey on Cultural Heritage

Type: Project Other Data - June 9, 2022, 1:44 p.m.

This element contains results of the HERIWELL survey. The survey aims to investigate people’s perceptions on the impact of all forms of cultural heritage (CH) on societal well-being, both in general and in the context of COVID-19, and their attitudes on and access to heritage.
The HERIWELL survey considered:
• the intensity of engagement with CH,
• the barriers for not engaging with CH,
• the perceptions of positive or negative impacts of COVID-19 on the view and use of CH,
• the opinions about the impact of CH on different dimensions of well-being.
In particular the indicators contained in this element refers to 5 survey questions:
- Are you involved, in any way, in the field of cultural heritage?
- Sometimes people find it difficult to access cultural heritage sites or activities. Which of the following, if any, are the main barriers for you?
- Since March 2020: How did the Corona pandemic and related restrictive measures impact on your behaviour or views regarding cultural heritage?
- How did the Corona pandemic and related restrictive measures impact on your use of the Internet and social media regarding cultural heritage?
- Do you agree or disagree with the following opinions that are often associated with Europe’s cultural heritage?

The survey was carried out from 28.05.2021 to 08.06.2021 in 8 European countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Poland and Spain) selected on the basis of: the geographical coverage of all ESPON areas; the coverage of both EU and non-EU countries part of the ESPON programme area; the consideration of a large part of the ESPON countries’ population; the representation of different levels of GDP and cultural heritage resources.
The sample was composed by 8818 respondents, representative of the population aged 18+, gender and region. The results were weighted at national level and are representative of the country-specific population aged 18 and over.

All anonymised raw results are also included in order to allow further descriptive statistics, regressions analysis, hypothesis testing, etc.
