Indicator: Cultural heritage - societal well-being analysis

Type: Project Other Data - June 14, 2022, 10:53 a.m.

This element contains indicators on societal well-being at regional level selected according the multi-dimensional definition adopted in HERIWELL Project.
In particular it includes indicators on:
- Share of tertiary education attainment 30-34 (Quality of life sub-dimension);
- Percentage of participation in voluntary (formal and informal) activities (Societal Cohesion sub-dimension);
- A- risk-of-poverty rate (Societal Cohesion sub-dimension);
- Gender gap in adult employment rate (Societal Cohesion sub-dimension);
- Institution quality index (Societal Cohesion sub-dimension);
- Share of young NEET 15-29 (Societal Cohesion ub-dimension);
- Gallup’s job opportunities index (Material Condition sub-dimension).
These indicators are the ones more correlated with the ERDF allocation in cultural heritage as described in the HERIWELL task concerning the EU funding analysis.
