Indicator: Most endangered cultural heritage programmes (database)

Type: Project Other Data - June 14, 2022, 11:05 a.m.

This database contains information from the Seven Most Endangered Programme that identifies identifies important sites in need of help and tries to mobilise partners to assist in safeguarding, restoring or financially sustaining these examples of tangible CH in Europe.
It is carried out by Europa Nostra in collaboration with the European Investment Bank Institute and the Council of Europe Development Bank and supported by the Creative Europe programme of the EU.
An international advisory panel of specialists in history, archaeology, architecture, conservation and finance evaluates and shortlists applications. The final list of normally 7 endangered sites per year is selected by the Board of Europa Nostra.
Between 2013 and 2021, 43 threatened monuments and heritage sites from 26 countries have been selected.
The data have been extracted from the Europa Nostra site ( on January 2022.
