Indicator: Intangible cultural heritage (database)

Type: Project Other Data - June 20, 2022, 2:27 p.m.

This element contains data of a content analysis of ICH traditions and activities registered by UNESCO in ESPON countries.
The assessment has been carried out in January 2021 at the ERICarts Institute, based on the project descriptions provided in the application forms and nomination dossiers of UNESCO's Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and the two related lists.
A total of 146 nominations from 28 ESPON countries has been included in the assesstiment.
The test evaluation adopted a four-step approach:
1. defining ICH and SWB: to capture the multifaceted nature of ICH and SWB, the content analysis is based on the general definition of both ICH and SWB proposed in the HERIWELL Conceptual Framework;
2. defining a set of identifying descriptors (based mainly on the subcategories listed in the HERIWELL Theory of Change and on the list of priority stakeholder groups set in the Conceptual Framework);
3. text analysis of semi-standardised documents on factual ICH manifestations in ESPON countries (inscriptions in the UNESCO lists) according to the selected descriptors;
4. analysis and interpretation of the territorial distribution of ICH manifestations and their relevance for key HERIWELL categories of SWB.
This individual assessment could represent a a methodological test for future fact-finding exercises in Europe, and potentially inspire later evaluations of national, regional or domain-specific ICH lists in ESPON countries.
