Indicator: List of contested or severely neglected cultural heritage cases (database)

Type: Project Other Data - July 4, 2022, 11:32 a.m.

This element contains the results of a survey carried out among the HERIWELL country experts and integrated with suggestions from cultural heritage stakeholders.
The survey explored issues of contested or neglected CH in different European regions and in order to use the results of this initial European mapping for an analysis of recent debates or incidents in that respect.
The experts was asked to contribute relevant examples that could stand for the most important CH-related conflicts, historical burdens or forms of neglect in the relative country as well as for their societal impacts.
For each case, the element reports four dimensions:
- Main Issues;
- Groups negatively affected;
- Negative effects on Societal Well Being (main HERIWELL categories);
- Measures/remedies to address issues.

The case collection, covering 18 countries and 47 cases, took place in the autumn of 2021.
