Indicator: Social consequences of the COVID-19: Social benefits (case studies)

Type: Project Other Data - July 11, 2022, 11:03 a.m.

The COVID-19 pandemic placed an extra burden on all segments of the European population, particularly those living in already vulnerable situations including older people, people with disabilities, people living in poverty situations, and mostly people who are living in rural areas. To examine the spatial distribution of these “social aids” (number of people or households that have received social aid in monetary (€) or non-monetary (social assistance) form) for each European country and scrutinize such allocations in concordance with the regional typologies (predominantly urban regions, predominantly rural regions, or in-termediate). Spatializing such allocation can provide a better analytical overview of the first social impacts of the pandemic and hence leading to robust management of the current as well as for future crises.
