Indicator: COVID19 social impacts: Evolution of the deprivation index 2019-2020

Type: Project Other Data - July 12, 2022, 10:02 a.m.

The deprivation index (DI) is built by combining the following three indicators: unemployment rate (%), youth unemployment rate (%) and At-risk of poverty rate (%) of European regions at different scales (ranging from NUTS2 to LAU level). The DI was calculated using the 'traditional' formula used to compute the Human Development Index (HDI). The formula for calculating the component indicators of the DI is (Actual value − minimum value) / (Maximum value − minimum value). The closer the indicator is to 1, the more social difficulties there are in the region; the closer it is to 0, the less social difficulties there are in the region (for further details on the methodology, consult the methodology annex under section 1.4.3).
