Indicator: Housing in cross-border context - regression results

Type: Project Other Data - July 19, 2022, 9:48 a.m.

This indicator contains the individual advertisement data scraped from the web in order to perform a regression analysis against accessibility data.

For each individual advertisement, we display its basic information (location, size and price) and the computed accessibility for the following elements:

Access to education centres by car (this includes primary and secondary education centres but not universities)
Access to education centres by walking
Access to health centres by car (this includes doctors, hospitals and pharmacies)
Access to health centres by walking
Access to short distance public transportation (bus and taxi stops) by walking
Access to mid distance public transportation (metro, tramway, ferry stops) by walking
Access to retail shops by car
Access to retail shops by walking

A second sheet shows the results of the regression organised in tables, including:

The Pearson Correlation: a measure that indicates linear correlation, taking a value near 1 when there is a lot of correlation and 0 when there is none. It can also be negative, indicating an inverse correlation
Significance 2-tailed: the extent to which the result is unlikely to be due to chance alone, taking value closer to zero when the correlation estimation can be confidently assumed to be correct.
N: the measure of the sample size
