Indicator: CPS Inventory

Type: Project Other Data - July 6, 2022, 5:45 p.m.

The CPS Inventory provides information on cross-border public services in Europe. Information collected include the location of a CPS (represented by names of cities or regions where the service is provided), the title and subject of the service, the broad theme and the detailed policy field in which the service is provided, the establishment year, the legal frameworks, management, government and delivery modes, the target group(s), related CPS, products of the service and the required infrastructures, usage development, financing and user payment models, and information about the actor(s) developing and providing the service. Also, information about the geographical context (border areas, types of borders, border permeability and travel times to border crossings, language similarities, geographical specificities) are provided. If a CPS is located in one of the ESPON CPS case study regions, the name and unique ID of the case study region is also indicated. Furthermore, the countries involved in the CPS are included (represented by their 2-digit ISO Country codes), as well as the border segment along which the CPS is operating.
The CPS Inventory consists of the following sub-Elements: An Excel file called 'CPS_Inventory.xlsx' which covers the complete database, and four shapefiles which represent the location of the CPS (one point shapefile representing CPS that are only provided at one location, a line shapefile representing CPS that have a linear character such as bus or train services, or which are provided at two locations (which are then connected by a straight line), and a polygon shapefile representing CPS that have an areal character and are provided in a service area. Finally, a line shapefile representing border segments across which the CPS are delivered complements the database.
