ESPON project package: 'TIA-CBC Territorial Impact Assessment for Cross-Border Cooperation'

This readme file describes the content of this package.



To date, there is no elaborated territorial impact assessment methodology/model that has proven to be well-suited for assessing the ex-post impacts of CBC programmes. The service provider will develop a step-by-step methodology, describing how to determine the ex-post impact of cross-border cooperation (CBC) programmes on the territorial development of the border regions. A test of the methodology will also be performed in five stakeholder territories by providing evidence on how the elaborated methodology works in practice. It is foreseen that mostly 2007 – 2013 programming period data will be used. This targeted analysis will primarily focus on the following five INTERREG A programmes: Germany – the Netherlands; Sweden - Norway; Romania - Bulgaria; United Kingdom - Ireland (Ireland-Northern Ireland-Scotland); Spain-Portugal (POCTEP)

The objective of this activity is to develop and test a methodology specifically tailored to assess ex-post territorial impacts of CBC programmes. The methodology will allow policy makers and practitioners to obtain evidence on the territorial impact of CBC programmes and help on developing better-informed cross-border policies. The activity will also improve understanding of the data needs to carry out ex-post territorial impact assessment of CBC programmes.


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