ESPON project package: 'COVID-19 Territorial impacts of Covid-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities'

This readme file describes the content of this package.



The project of the "Geography of COVID-19 Territorial impacts of COVID-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities" aims to identify the paths to be taken to make cities and regions more resilient and inclusive to combat the medium- and long-term effects of the pandemic. Regional science has highlighted some important factors that explain why some cities and regions are affected more than others by the COVID-19 pandemic. The recent ESPON GEOCOV study on the geography of COVID-19 highlights the role of the socioeconomic characteristics, quality of governance, connectivity and health infrastructures of the regions to explain the territorial differences in terms of casualties. Most studies have been confined to the first wave of the pandemic. A key question therefore concerns whether the factors that explain different territorial impacts of the pandemic during the first wave also hold explanatory power for the second and third waves. This project sets out to (i) analyse the geography of COVID-19 and its determinants according to the different pandemic waves (a minimum of three waves, but four in some countries); (ii) understand the direct and indirect social consequences of the containment measures, including their territorial impact; and (iii) identify effective policies implemented at the local and regional level to combat these inequalities. The aim is to provide policy recommendations to help cities and regions better manage the recovery from the crisis and anticipate future crises while using the pandemic as a window of opportunity for just, green and smart transitions.


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