Indicator: EUREGIO-2017 ESPON Input-Output table

Type: Project Other Data - June 23, 2022, 4:19 p.m.

The Interregional Input-Output Table is one of the most ambitious accounting frameworks with which to capture the interconnections of sectors and regions within and between countries. The work continues outstanding efforts over the last years in the estimation and analysis of different multi-country Input-Output (IO) databases (WIOD, EXIOBASE, ICIO, FIGARO, etc.), and the multi-regional IO tables developed by the JRC and PBL for the EU at the NUTS2 level. ESPON IRiE has updated and provided a spatial expansion of the current EUREGIO collection, with the aim of obtaining an extended EUREGIO table for the 2017 dataset, which will be referred to as the regions (NUTS-2 Rev.2016) of all the ESPON countries and will be embedded into the new FIGARO multi-country 2017.
