Indicator: Baseline Greenhouse Gas emissions for four case studies

Type: Project Other Data - July 4, 2022, 9:29 a.m.

The dataset provides the greenhouse gas (GHG) quantification results of the four case studies in the QGasSP project (Quantitative Greenhouse Gas Impact Assessment Method for Spatial Planning Policy) in 2021. The case studies are the County of Meath (IE), the City of Edinburgh (UK), Rathlin Island (UK) and Kymenlaakso region (FI). The results were calculated with two alternative approaches: with the territorial approach (transport, land use, buildings) and with the consumption-based approach. Territorial quantification includes all direct GHG emissions that are caused within the geographic boundaries of the specified area and some indirect GHG emissions attributed to the area (a.o. grid electricity and other so called Scope 2 emissions). Consumption-based quantification allocates the emissions by the end-user, i.e. it includes the global GHG emissions caused by the consumption of the residents of the specified area.
