Indicator: ERDF, EARDF, ESF and Creative Europe for Cultural Heritage

Type: Project Other Data - June 30, 2022, 2:20 p.m.

This element contains data on ERDF, EARDF, ESF and Creative Europe allocations and projects for Cultural Heritage at regional level presented in Chapter 8 anda relative Scientific Annex of the HERIWELL Main Report.
Data and indicators include those available in EU data sources (e.g. ESIF Open Data Platform for ERDF allocations, and the online portal for the European Territorial Cooperation), and national ERDF and ESF data sources on financial allocations and number of funded projects collected and analysed by the HERIWELL country experts throught a specific content analysis (through key words search and categorisation of results) of funded project in order to detect those related to CH. This analysis has been performed on condition that national open datasets exist, that they are available in an analysable format, and that they provide sufficient information on the funded projects (e.g. project summary, priority investment, EU funding, etc.).
