Management of Data Tracking

Management of Data Tracking

The Management of Data Tracking allows to manage the validation process of the following elements:

  • Main Data

  • Other Data

  • Project

It allows to :

  • find validation process elements into particular states

  • modify validation process elements states

Find validation process elements into particular states

Tracking Dataset states can be done using the 'Validation Process' facet of the Faceted Search. This will get all Datasets into the given state but also Indicators which follow the same state that the Dataset they belong to.

Alternatively, browsing across the Data Upload interface from the Projects list allows to locate the inner Main Data or Other Data.

Modify the validation process elements state

Modifying the Validation Process states is done by the same user interface that Project Manager and Project Reviewer use to deliver their data which allow to change an element state through it's "normal workflow".

"Normal workflow" refer to the one which belong to the Data Delivery: Uploading Data and related Metadata in the Upload interface.

When connected as SuperUser there is an alternate switch which allows to randomly select the resulting state independently of the "normal workflow".